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SEO Audit: How to do a site analysis


Have you been asked to do an SEO audit, and you don't know where to start? Maybe you know well what the essential aspects of a website should be, but you don't think you have a good analysis technique? You do not have to despair, nor think of giving up everything, because even for the SEO audit there are some steps that, if faced, will allow you to have a well-done analysis of a site and its performance.

What is SEO audit?

First you need to specify what the SEO audit is.

Essentially, this expression refers to the analysis with which a website is explored under different aspects . In fact, everything that technical should be present on the site, both its structure and its content, is taken into consideration. At the same time, it will also be possible to analyze the resources of the competition, in order to understand how to move with respect to this. All the analysis will obviously be done with reference to those elements that could influence the site's performance within the search results.

Here, then, with the SEO audit it will be possible not only to deeply analyze a site and its performance, but also to identify the strong and weak aspects of the site itself.

How to start the SEO audit?

Now that you understand not only what SEO audit is, but also what it is for, it will be necessary to understand how to start the analysis process.

Having a list of points to address in these cases will be very helpful. In fact, so you won't forget anything!

Analysis from the context

You will not be able to understand if a site, even if only superficially, needs improvement if you do not contextualize the web space. What do you do? Does it refer to a particular portion of the market? And what, in this regard, the competitors of the company or of the entity that has relied on you for the analysis. For example, if the person who is asking you for an opinion is in charge of running a clothing company, you will also need to check what the competitors of that same company will do, both generally and more specifically, for example taking into account the territory in which the company operates. The context, therefore, becomes essential even just to begin to understand which path to take. Furthermore, by analyzing the sector in which the subject or company operates, you will also be able to evaluate what the trends are. Self,

Furthermore, trends should not be evaluated only on a small scale. You will often have to take into consideration what will be done in other countries as well, as happens, for example, in the United States, an area from which fashions are often imported into Europe.

On-site analysis

After checking the context, and the competitors, of the company or professional you are dealing with, you will have to move on to the actual analysis of the site itself. We therefore speak of on-site SEO audit, therefore relating to the content, structure and functionality of the site you are dealing with. You will need to start asking yourself some basic questions, which you can write down, and which may already have a quick answer at first glance.

Try opening the site and try to understand what the answers to the following questions will be:

How does the site appear to me?

  1. Is the protocol used HTTP or HTTPS ?

  2. Is the upload speed good?

  3. Can it also be opened from mobile devices?

  4. Is the sitemap structured and loaded?

  5. Is the robots.txt file loaded? Block indexing of some pages?

  6. What needs does this website meet?

  7. Are the title and description Meta tags set well?

So, in the first phase of the SEO Audit you will have to try to understand if the site is usable, if it is suitable for different devices, and also if it contains a whole series of essential information. You will be able to follow this pattern without the need to use tools or other external elements but, instead, putting yourself in the shoes of the average user who is in charge of visiting the site itself and who may have an opinion.

Use specific tools

We told you how in the first phase of the analysis of a site it is not necessary to use tools, but going forward in your SEO audit you will need them. There are, therefore, tools that you can use to better perform your analysis activity.

These surely include:

The Google search console

With this you can check that there are no errors or particular penalties for the website you are analyzing. The search console is the tool that allows SEO specialists and web masters to communicate with Google.

Screaming Frog

Thanks to this tool you will have the possibility to scan the pages of the site, in order to identify various problems, such as, for example, the presence of duplications, poorly managed Meta tags, errors in the attributes of languages, etc.


Thanks to this tool you will have the ability to identify all the keywords that help generate organic traffic to the site itself. Furthermore, with Semrush you can also make an estimate of the links present on the site.

Google Analytics

With this tool you can analyze all the general performance of your website.

Off site analysis

In addition to the in-site analysis, you will also need to do the off-site analysis. Therefore, you will have to analyze all the factors external to the site and that can influence it. For example, you will have to take into consideration the links that refer to the site itself, and those that depart from the site, the popularity of the brand at the social level, and also its authority in general.

Thanks to these parts of SEO audit you will have the opportunity to get a general idea of the site itself, and also to understand what types of intervention to carry out.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us and get better understand how to set up a Seo Audit by Abdul Rimaaz

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